Software Developer, Marley .32, Bradford, VT
November 2001 to present (full-time since September 2007).
As Marley .32 also provides services in foreign language translation, any gaps in project history are due to time spent in that regard.

Project Description: Installed/configured Apache HTTP server, FileZilla FTP server on home business server for client file uploads/downloads.
Platform: Windows XP
Completion date: March 2009
End Client: Marley .32

Project Description: Installed/configured MySQL server & Tools (Administrator, Workbench, etc.), Collabnet Subversion.
Platform: Windows XP
Completion date: February 2009
End Client: Marley .32

Project Description: Updated company website content.
Tools: Notepad, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
Programming languages: HTML
Completion date: October 2008
End Client: Marley .32

Project Description: Installed/configured wireless home business network
Platform: Windows XP, Linux, Linksys Wireless G router
Completion date: September 2008
End Client: Marley .32

Project Description: Installed/configured software on new laptop, including Windows XP Professional, SUSE Linux, MS Office, MS/Sun IDEs.
Platform: Windows XP Professional, SUSE Linux, ASUS Intel Core Duo laptop.
Completion date: September 2008
End Client: Marley .32

Project Description: Created demo website for New England Translators Association (at http://www.marley32.com/prog/samples/netaWebsite)
Tools: IBM WebSphere Development Studio, Notepad, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox
Programming languages: JavaScript, DOM, HTML
Completion date: July 2007
End Client: New England Translators Association

Project Description: Created demo MIDlet for card game using TRIZ problem-solving methodology.
Platform: Windows, Motorola phone environment
Tools: Sun Java Wireless Toolkit, IBM WebSphere Development Studio, Motorola Phone Tools
Programming languages: Java
Completion date: February 2007
End Client: Hape Etzold

Project Description: Created company website.
Tools: MS Publisher, Notepad, Internet Explorer
Programming languages: HTML
Completion date: April 2006
End Client: Marley .32

Project Description: Created demo/proposal for boarding school to merge Access admissions database tables into browser-based Lotus Notes system.
Platform: Windows 98
Tools: Lotus Notes, Access
Programming languages: Visual Basic, Lotus Notes
Completion date: March 2002
End Client: Putney School

Project Description: Built personal computer & installed software on same.
Platform: Windows 95 on Transcend Intel Pentium processor motherboard
Completion date: June 2001
End Client: Marley .32

Programmer/Analyst, Timken Aerospace (subsidiary of the Timken Company), Lebanon, NH.
January 2004 to present.
TA manufactures precision bearings for the aerospace industry.

Project Description: Developed Java Server Faces web application allowing account reps to measure customer service quality by inputting incidents over several defined customer service quality KPIs.
Platform: WebSphere application server/JSF over System i, DB2
Tools: WebSphere Development Studio, Subversion, ISeries Navigator
Programming languages: Java, HTML
Additional details:

  • Programmed web pages for record creation, update and deletion; field content is input by drop-down menus, text fields and text boxes.
  • Implemented JDBC connection to two DB2 AS/400 files with unique keys (one for KPI tracking and one for customer master) for record creation/update/deletion.
  • KPI tracking file keyed by user ID and timestamp of record creation.
  • Created above tables using SQL function in ISeries Navigator, including journaling.
  • Application authenticates to Windows Active Directory group.
  • Used WebSphere web art designer and animated gif creation tools to create template for about 10 different pages, including header with Timken logo, footer, and navigation bar with button icons.
  • Use Subversion for application revision maintenance.

Project Description: Developed data warehousing system to transmit invoice, order & purchase order data for new Timken acquisition to central data warehouse on a daily/weekly basis.
Platform: Crystal Enterprise Express server over Windows Server 2003, Firebird/Quantum Control database, VB Script jobs as Windows scheduled tasks
Tools: Crystal Reports, Notepad
Programming languages: VB Script, TCL/TK
Additional details:

  • Created Crystal Reports to extract data from Quantum Control database tables (later upgraded to Firebird); created ODBC connections to database.
  • Installed Crystal Reports Enterprise Express server to automatically run Crystal Reports regularly.
  • Wrote scripts in Windows Script Host and VB Script to format daily reports and ftp them to data warehouse repository; scheduled scripts as Windows scheduled tasks.
  • Installed new DB driver when database was converted to Firebird; revised Crystal Enterprise Express configuration when server physically moved locations (and IP address).

Project Description: Created bots to upload/download order data to/from customer Internet portal; created reports over data downloads.
Platform: IOpus Internet macros, Access database, VB Scripts on Windows Server 2003 linked to AS/400 DB2 tables.
Tools: WebSphere Development Studio, Notepad
Programming languages: IOpus Internet Macros, Visual Basic, VB Script, AS/400 command language, SQL (various versions), RPG
Additional details:

  • Created macros using IOpus to automatically sign in to customer web portal, input selection data (such as customer number and end date of report download), upload order data (such as promise date schedule) and download schedule files to Timken server.
  • Wrote scripts in Windows Script Host and VB Script to drive above macros, and to convert downloads from Excel to text files; scheduled scripts as Windows scheduled tasks.
  • Wrote AS/400 C/L script to convert text files to DB2 physical files.
  • Reports over downloads created using Excel Visual Basic, RPG ILE, and various SQL versions (MS SQL, IBM SQL, ASC Sequel).

Project Description: Intranet, web portal maintenance - TimkeNet (Timken corporate-wide) and Timken Aerospace web portal.
Platform: Timken Aerospace web portal - Jetspeed on WebSphere application server
Tools: TimkeNet web page maintenance tool, Notepad
Programming languages: Java, HTML, ASC Sequel SQL, ASC Sequel on the Web
Additional details:

  • Create reports using Excel VB, AS/400 C/L, RPG ILE & SQL versions (MS SQL, IBM SQL, ASC Sequel, NGS Query) and output as .pdfs or Excel spreadsheets.
  • Also use ASC Sequel on the Web tool to make AS/400 queries available on web pages.
  • Create web pages for Timken Lebanon departments.
  • Add/delete/update links to reports and forms, including mass update of contact link to feedback web service.

Project Description: Created “consolidated” backlog to display open orders from new order entry systems managed by customer account reps, in addition to orders initiated at Timken Lebanon.
Platform: RPG, AS/400 C/L programs on System i, IFS
Tools: WebSphere Development Studio, Hyperion Brio data warehouse web interface
Programming languages: RPG, AS/400 CL, SQL
Additional details:

  • Developed query over data warehouse and coordinated FTP transmission from data warehouse server to local IFS.
  • Wrote AS/400 C/L to convert daily data warehouse text file extraction to AS/400 physical file.
  • Created AS/400 customer exchange table to tie non-Lebanon customer #s to Lebanon customer #.
  • Wrote AS/400 C/L, RPG, DDS for printer file and physical files to create reports; scheduled report to run weekly on Robot.

Project Description: Numerous reports for operations, customer service and other departments.
Platform: AS/400 CL, RPG on System i; IFS; ASC Sequel on the Web; automated Windows scheduled tasks (Excel spreadsheet jobs) on Windows Server 2003
Tools: WebSphere Development Studio, Excel Visual Basic editor, ASC Sequel, ASC Sequel on the Web
Programming languages: AS/400 C/L, RPG, various SQL (IBM SQL, ASC Sequel, NGS Query, Microsoft).
Additional details:

  • Operations reports written include flow days, flow day variability, area completions, daily queue, assembly capacity, packed output, vendor turn (outsourcing), equivalent pieces capacity, processing queues.
  • Applied Lean 6 Sigma concepts (equivalent units, equivalent operations, packed output) to many operations reports.
  • Customer service – exception reports, specially formatted reports.
  • Engineering – engineering/customer service part revision disconnects.
  • Reports created using Excel Visual Basic, AS/400 C/L, RPG ILE, DDS (for physical files, display files and printer files), various SQL Tools (IBM SQL, ASC Sequel, NGS Query).
  • Some reports run on separate server from AS/400 and involve server maintenance, use of Acrobat Distiller, ODBC connection to AS/400, and other technical issues.

Project Description: System i systems & applications maintenance
Platform: System i
Tools: ISeries Navigator, Robot job maintenance tool, ESEND, various System i tools
Programming languages: AS/400 C/L, RPG
Additional details:

  • Revisions/maintenance to RPG ILE, DDS code (metallurgical lab report - increase size of one field; shipping report – add promise date to selection; on-time delivery report – add selection to query, and add menu option), backlog archive (C/L to save snapshots of backlog to different file members); engineering cover distribution page revision).
  • Investigate and handle Robot job terminations, maintain Esend distribution lists.
  • ESEND distribution revisions.
  • Production data changes, one-time queries as needed.

Project Description: Various desktop help.
Platform: Windows XP
Tools: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access)
Additional details:

  • MS Office - Changes to Excel templates, creations of Excel graphs, Word assistance as needed.

Production Technician, Medical MetRX Solutions (formerly Medical Media Systems), West Lebanon, NH.
November 2002 to January 2004.
MMS primarily creates 3D color computer models from CT scans showing blood flow, thrombus, etc. of patients with blood vessel disorders.

  • Converted CT film scans & x-rays into digital format for later processing.
  • Coordinated MMS’ secondary business as a core lab/repository for x-rays of patients requiring stents.
  • Archived/manipulated x-ray images by scanning x-ray film into computer, processing, then burning CD.
  • Linux / Windows - copied/moved files; created directories; file transfers (FTP); downloads from Internet.
  • Downloaded CT scans from variety of media (optical disks, DVDs, CDs, Internet).
  • Everday use of medical terminology in updating scan histories.

Self-Employed Translator/Programmer, Marley32.com
November 2001 to November 2002.
(See first resume entry above).

Editorial Assistant, Humor Department, Reader's Digest Association, Reader's Digest Road, Chappaqua, NY.
March 1999 to October 2001.

  • Searched Internet (using Google, Northern Light & newspaper archives) & used library resources (including ProQuest, microfiche & reference boks) to find material, item sources & contact info.
  • Lotus Notes - boolean searches to find anecdotes in databases; file management.
  • Quark - devised custom queries; created documents; applied styles & manipulated fonts.
  • Word/Excel - wrote macros with patten matching to manipulate exported Lotus Notes data & format text; designed flowcharts with Word graphics.
  • Thought up titles for "fillers"; proofread items; transcribed speeches.
  • Translated short items from German & French.

Publicity/Musician, Calico Junction (oldies/Irish music band), Bronx, NY.
June 1994 to December 2000.

  • Created press kit (flyers, copy, press releases, logo, graphics).
  • Sang and played keyboards & guitar.

Data Entry, Visiting Nurses Association of Hudson Valley, Mount Kisco, NY.
February 1998 to March 1999.

  • Typed handwritten nurses’ notes into computer; heavy use of medical terminology.

Administrative Assistant, John Hancock Insurance, Tarrytown, NY.
February to September 1997.

  • Devised user-friendly Excel spreadsheet to distribute to brokers that calculated monthly rate for long-term care according to parameters they input.
  • Used Mail Merge and created flyers in MS Word.

Volunteer, Westchester County Archives, Elmsford, NY.

  • Conceived theme for exhibit entitled "Children At Play In Westchester"; selected appropriate archive photos using database; created captions, layed out exhibit along hallway walls.
  • Transcribed old documents then entered text into database. archive photos using database; created captions, layed out exhibit along hallway walls.

Volunteer, Kunhardt Productions, Mount Kisco, NY.

  • Transcribed letters handwritten by U.S. Presidents for video production.

Provider/Companion, Bronxville, NY.
April 1995 to June 1997.

  • Spent one afternoon a week with Peter, a man who is legally blind and has a condition similar to autism.

Administrative Assistant, Pace University Lienhard School of Nursing, Pleasantville, NY.
November 1994 to April 1996.

  • Everyday use of medical terminology to update course material.